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👩🏻‍💻星洲小课堂 SinClass

1. Vocabulary

  • characters
  • remake

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[KEVIN] What’s he doing to her?
[IAN] I think he’s about to shoot her in the head.
[KEVIN] I can’t believe he did that.
[KEVIN] That’s pretty bad acting, actually.
[KEVIN] Well, it’s OK.
[IAN] It’s in black and white.
[KEVIN] Why is it in black and white? What year is this movie?
[IAN] It’s like 1932.
[IAN] The special effects aren’t brilliant.
[IAN] It’s an old movie, but it’s a good story.
[IAN] Why the subtitles?
[IAN] We all speak English here, right?
[IAN] Oh! Oooh, I like her.
[IAN] Good actress.
[KEVIN] You think so?
[IAN] It’s a really good story.
[KEVIN] It’s not very original.
[KEVIN] I already know what’s going to happen.
[IAN] How do you know?
[KEVIN] Westerns are always the same.
[IAN] You saw the remake.
[IAN] That’s how you know.
[KEVIN] No, I didn’t see the remake.
[KEVIN] No, I just know how it’s going to end.

2. Grammar

Beijing is the capital of China.
Woody Allen directed the movie 'Annie Hall.'
I think that ‘Annie Hall’ is an incredible film.
In my opinion, he’s a terrible actor.
Which movie do you want to see?
What about this Tom Hanks movie?
What’s it called?
I’ve never heard of it.
The movie is directed by George Lucas.
The costumes are designed by Virginia Poole.
The main character is played by Bruce Willis.

3. Reading

‘The Artist’ is just like one of those old films. This romance was made in gorgeous black and white and takes place in the 1920s. And, just like the old films, there’s no talking. There are only a few subtitles. But it’s certainly not a remake of one of the old films from the 1920s. Remember how some of those old movies had really bad acting? Well, the acting in ‘The Artist’ is brilliant, and actor Berenice Bejo is incredible. This movie also has an original plot. ‘The Artist’ shows us what happens when a famous person has really bad luck. I won’t tell you how it ends - see ‘The Artist’ for yourself.
