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👩🏻‍💻星洲小课堂 SinClass

1. Vocabulary

  • unconscious

I fell down some stairs.
How did you do that?
I was walking down some stairs. I wasn’t paying attention.
You were paying attention. He was paying attention to a woman.
I think the stairs were wet.
When did this happen?
[JAKE] Yeah. I bruised three ribs and, sprained my right wrist.
[PAM] How are you coping with the crutches?
[JAKE] No problem at all.

2. because of the pain

I was walking down the street when I slipped and fell down, and broke my leg. I haven’t been sleeping since it happened because of the pain. It really hurts!

because of the pain
I was walking down the street …
… when I slipped and fell down …
… and broke my leg.
I haven’t been sleeping …
… since it happened.
It really hurts!

3. Expressions

I fell off a wall and broke my leg.
I sprained my wrist.
I have a bruise on my arm.
I fell down and bruised my shoulder.
I broke my arm while playing volleyball.
I was running for a bus when I sprained my ankle.
Possessive adjectives
He called his doctor because he had a fever.
I’m a patient of Dr. Brennan’s. == I’m Dr. Brennan’s patient.

4. Reading

I guess the strangest accident I have ever had was when I was at school. I was playing a game where you had to lie on the ground, and all the others jumped on top of you. It was fine until the biggest kid in school came and jumped on top, too! I broke my finger, bruised my ribs and sprained my wrist. I spent the night in the hospital, and it took me a couple of months to get better.

5. Writing

I had an accident last winter when I was arriving at work. I was coming into the building, climbing the steps, when I slipped on the icy floor. I fell down the steps and broke my ankle. I also sprained my left wrist and bruised my back badly. I had to go to the hospital, and I stayed there for three days. I hurt a lot! I had to stay at home for two more weeks before I could go back to work.
