有一個一維陣列 x1,我分別想要把它變成一個 3*1 的矩陣 x2,以及 1*3 的矩陣 x3,作法如下。
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| import numpy as np
x1 = np.array([10, 20, 30], float)
print("shape of x1 is ", x1.shape) print(x1)
x2 = x1[:, np.newaxis] print("shape of x2 is ", x2.shape) print(x2)
x3 = x1[np.newaxis, :] print("shape of x3 is ", x3.shape) print(x3)
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| shape of x1 is (3,) [ 10. 20. 30.] ------------- shape of x2 is (3, 1) [[ 10.] [ 20.] [ 30.]] ------------- shape of x3 is (1, 3) [[ 10. 20. 30.]]
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