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Job survey of data analysts in Singapore

date function


1, HR call,简单了解工作经验
2, Online test, Python+SQL
3, team manager:自我介绍+case study
4, team lead: 自我介绍+case study
5, department lead: 自我介绍+case study

SQL 6个题

没卒成然后跟两个team leader远程一面了 全英文

  • 现在日常工作,处理的metrics和整体数据量,讲一个做过的项目
  • Python,我说我笔试没做完现在工作也不常用很渣然后就没怎么被问,她们问那咋证明我后面能跟得上工作…我说我也不知道…
  • SQL,没让写代码,感觉就是偏概念的软技术
  • 有一个表在数据库里已存在,如何复制
  • 还有个啥我忘记了…
  • case study,但是不需要具体数据,算是behavior question
  • A/B testing基本步骤和概念

base Singapore,在官网申请的,大约一周后收到一面通知,全英文面试

刚收到邮件,1个多小时的Python + SQL 测试,要求下载pycharm,用pandas处理他们的excel,,,


1st round phone interview with HR, ask general background, your project, and experience
2nd round testing Basic SQL, python questions for two hours, send the answer back after you finished. Ask you to write python code the organize their data

Interview Questions

analye some data use SQL and python

4 rounds in total. (1) HR for brief chat - simple (2) Technical test using SQL and Python (3) Interview with one of the team lead - this round they will give you a excel and some time to do basic analysis (4) Interview with team manager / lead - more of behavioral and fitting

Should you not pass in any of the rounds for the role you applied, HR who see you as potential candidate may direct you to other HR managers for other roles consideration and you will need to go through the whole interview process again. I went through the second round of another role and eventually decided not to take up the role.

Something to note is that you are expected to have mandarin competency (i.e. speak business in Chinese) and you may be expected to liaise in mandarin with Chinese counterparts (offshore developers)

Interview Questions

SQL questions and tell me what you analyze

  1. phone interview
    from HR, and it took about 30 mins
  2. SQL assessment
    from direct boss, and gave you two days
  3. behavioral
    from direct manager, took about 20 mins
  4. case interview
    from direct manager, took about 1 hour

HR interview ->code test->result, code test includes python and sql. python is not that hard, but sql is hard. HR is very nice that she would introduce their department and products, which let you know more about their service.

Coding round tested on dataframes: filtering, multi-conditional filtering, and also general theory on programming and Python HR interview asked the standard questions: why Shopee, why data analytics, where do you see yourself in 5 years

Data Analyst in Singapore

I applied through a recruiter. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at Shopee Singapore in May 2020.

The 1st round is a HR interview (less than 30 minutes). HR will ask you general question such as why do you want to apply to Shopee, and do you know what shopee is. The 2nd round interview is SQL and python test. It is a 1.5 hours online test in which contains 17 questions. There are probably 10 multiple choice questions, 3 SQL coding questions, 4 basic python questions. The SQL coding questions test you on basic SQL coding concept, such as SELECT, JOINS while the python questions test you on understanding about the python pandas package (understanding how datatime and df.groupby is used). If you are an amateur coders who refers to python manual often, you will find yourself not being able to complete those questions. I believe, in order to pass this test, you need to score close to full marks. I wasn’t able to complete the test as i encounter some technical issue on the syntax part of the code in which i wasn’t able to ask for help since it’s an online test (due to COVID-19 situation). I believed i scored around 10-11/17 for my test, which is not enough to move on in the next part of the interview. So in conclusion, Shopee expects you to score close to full marks on your SQL, python test. If you fail to do so, you can forget about moving further in the interview.

machine learning

Called by HR & explained the process of selection. The coding test too, data cleaning, data extraction & use of machine learning. Given task had a huge data set 150,000 rows and 10 columns with 3 labels

