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👩🏻‍💻星洲小课堂 SinClass

  1. address all issues 解决所有问题
  2. entirely on topic 完全在主题上
  3. One idea one paragraph
  4. PEEP: point, elaboration, example, point


雅思寫作 Task 2 得分技巧

① 掌握雅思写作备考体系:底层思维逻辑 + 语料素材积累
② 学习范文
③ 练习真题
④ 获得反馈
⑤ 总结和复习笔记

雅思写作Task 2(大作文)备考体系


Despite his young age
Despite his young age


Phase 1:掌握雅思大作文备考体系
Phase 2:学习高分范文
Phase 3:练习历史真题
Phase 4:获得批改反馈
Phase 5:总结、复习笔记

▶▶ Phase 1:掌握雅思大作文备考体系

写作时间只有短短的40分钟,当看到题目时就需要在5分钟内快速想出文章的提纲 (essay outline),也就是观点思路

庆幸的是,几乎所有的Task 2大作文题目都可以分为六大类别的题目,和小作文的攻略一样,每一类别的题型都有精准的、系统的思路结构,这就是「雅思写作备考体系」的精髓所在。

1.1 Question Type 1:建议类

一般含有这样的字眼:“should”, “a good way to…”, "It is important to…"

Despite his young age
Despite his young age

As part of education, students should spend a period of time studying and living in a different country to learn language and culture. To what extant do you agree or disagree?(2019.3.9)

It is important for all towns and cities to have large public outdoor places like squares and parks. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2014.3.15)

Despite his young age
Despite his young age

The government should introduce laws to make businesses employ equal numbers of male and female workers in every department.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

▲ 比如建议类的题目可以通过必要性、可行性、风险、实际效果四个维度来开拓论点:

① 必要性:实施建议能不能带来必要的好处?这个建议能不能解决实际问题?这个建议符不符合社会提倡的价值观?

② 可行性:有没有能力(比如人力、金钱、知识、时间、技术、方法等)去实施建议?实施过程中遇到的困难能不能解决?

③ 风险:如果实施建议是有风险的,潜在的风险可不可以控制、预防、减少和解决的?如果可以控制,那么具体的解决方案是什么?如果不可控制,那么有哪些消极影响?会不会有反效果?会不会违反社会的主流价值观?

④ 实际效果:真正实施计划起来的效果会怎么样?如果建议不能实施,背后影响的原因是什么?如果可以实施但不能解决根本问题,或者效果有限,有没有方法修补缺点?

1.2 Question Type 2:绝对词类

绝对词类题目指的是出现了all, best, most important, only, now, nothing, ban这些字眼。


Some people think the most important thing about being rich is that it gives them the opportunity to help other people. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2018.9.13)

Some people believe that the best way to reduce the time to travel to work is replace gardens and parks with apartment buildings, which commuters can live. Others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (2019.4.6)

Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment. Only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (2019.6.13)

让步反驳型的文章结构 (Concession and Refutation):

1. Task response (题目回应程度)

Despite his young age
Despite his young age

2. Coherence and cohesion (行文逻辑)

Despite his young age
Despite his young age

3. Lexical resource (词汇丰富度)

he knows a lot.
he knows a lot.

4. Grammatical accuracy (语法准确度)

he knows a lot.
he knows a lot.
