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Question Type 1

As part of education, students should spend a period of time studying and living in a different country to learn language and culture .Do you agree or disagree

KMF - 练习>题目资源>剑雅真题>20190309 Task2
writing9 8.5

  1. address all issues 解决所有问题
  2. entirely on topic 完全在主题上
  3. One idea one paragraph
  4. PEEP: point, elaboration, example, point

伊娃EvaMissXIAO​ - 大作文之超全话题分类+素材+题库+idea
雅思写作Task 2(大作文)备考体系

  1. As part of education, students should spend a period of time studying and living in a different country to learn language and culture .Do you agree or disagree

  2. It is important for all towns and cities to have large public outdoor places like squares and parks. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2014.3.15)

  3. In many countries, prison is the common solution to the problem of crime. However, another effective way is to provide people with better education so that they will not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2018.3.3)

  4. The government should introduce laws to make businesses employ equal numbers of male and female workers in every department. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

比如建议类的题目可以通过 必要性、可行性、风险、实际效果 四个维度来开拓论点:

① 必要性:实施建议能不能带来必要的好处?这个建议能不能解决实际问题?

② 可行性:有没有能力(比如人力、金钱、知识、时间、技术、方法等)去实施建议?实施过程中遇到的困难?

③ 风险:如果实施建议是有风险的,潜在的风险可不可以控制、预防、减少和解决的?如果可以控制,那么具体的解决方案是什么?如果不可控制,那么有哪些消极影响?会不会有反效果?会不会违反社会的主流价值观?

④ 实际效果:真正实施计划起来的效果会怎么样?如果建议不能实施,背后影响的原因是什么?如果可以实施但不能解决根本问题,或者效果有限,有没有方法修补缺点?


  1. 第一段:不同意要求公司的男女员工比例一致(开头段)
  2. 第二段:男女员工数量一致当中潜在的困难很难克服(支持段1)
  3. 第三段:实施的效果令人怀疑(支持段2)
  4. 第四段:虽然男女员工数量一致是必要的,但是实施起来很有挑战性(让步和反驳段)
  5. 第五段:不同意题目的论述(结尾段)


As parts of education, students should spend a period of time living in another country to learn its language and culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?.. Sample Example


Some people believe that schools should give opportunities for students to go abroad to gain insight into other linguistics and cultures’ characteristics. In my opinion, it is a good, yet not an optimal choice for them to meet such an expectation in learning.


On the first side, although studying overseas definitely is a benefit for learners to obtain knowledge about other countries, it may cause some difficulties in putting it into action. Without reasonable solutions, those difficulties possibly exceed their advantages. To begin with, there is absolutely a financial problem. It is not only for flights and accommodation but also for fundamental demands that each student has to take into consideration when spending money. Besides, living overseas probably takes a long time for an individual to know well about a country by learning in different environments.

Furthermore, culture shock, as well as homesickness in the initial days possibly affect the process they acquire understanding. As a result, the information they get does not satisfy the original purpose. In other words, schooling in foreign countries has more demerits than its benefits due to financial concerns and limited studying efficiency.

  1. On the first side
  2. financial concerns
  3. limited studying efficiency.


On the other hand, students are also able to learn various languages and cultures in their current condition without going overseas. Due to the development of the Internet as well as technology, it is more accessible for everyone to get any insight on earth so that they can learn a lot. Particularly, Duolingo has been written to help foreigners study a new language other than their mother tongue. In addition, people recently have a chance to ask foreigners who are living in their current place for the information they want to know. For instance, most of the Vietnamese students are taught to speak English by native speakers without going to other nations. Therefore, gaining knowledge in the homeland likewise brings efficiencies to learners.


In conclusion, I believe that schools do not have to include overseas trips in their curriculum because students can easily broaden their knowledge and gain their language skills without it thanks to contemporary conveniences.
