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👩🏻‍💻星洲小课堂 SinClass

squares [skweəz]
squares [skweəz]

Question Type 2

It is important for all towns and cities to have large public outdoor places like squares and parks. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2014.3.15)


Introduction 引言

It is sometimes argued about the importance of the existence of public areas such as squares and parks in modern societies. While I agree that these areas bring many benefits to societies and the spiritual life of citizens, I think it would not be possible to have them everywhere as well as.


Body 1

On the one hand, there are several perks of having public areas in all administrative units. Firstly, public places such as squares and parks could help improve air quality which is degraded in many modern cities. These places are often compared to the green lungs of cities, which could help minimize the negative environmental impacts by a large number of green trees and their ability to absorb rainwater and reduce flooding that occurs when the rainy seasons arrive. Secondly, public spaces can be grasped simultaneously as a cultural reality and as a historical reality. For instance, the Time Squares in New York besides being a high profile business hub in the day it is the American culture’s trademark by the famous ritual of the silver ball dropping at the New Year’s Eve countdown which draws attention from millions of international tourists every year.

Body 2

On the other hand, I believe that there are several aspects that must be considered despite many advantages. The first one is that governments need to keep the land fund for social welfare construction due to the overpopulation in the world. The high rate of population density provokes the high demands and burdens to the governments in terms of residences and service public infrastructures such as hospitals and schools. Another drawback is the existence of a disruptive development that belongs to the development of technology in many countries. People have other ways of relaxing and entertaining themselves by watching video clips or surfing the Internet instead of doing exercises or joining community activities that take place in public areas.

Conclusion 結語

In conclusion, although the benefits associated with public places are important, the need for such places also depends on each circumstance and must be adapted to the lifestyle of residential communities so as not to wasteland resources.

比如建议类的题目可以通过 必要性、可行性、风险、实际效果 四个维度来开拓论点:

① 必要性:实施建议能不能带来必要的好处?这个建议能不能解决实际问题?

② 可行性:有没有能力(比如人力、金钱、知识、时间、技术、方法等)去实施建议?实施过程中遇到的困难?

③ 风险:如果实施建议是有风险的,潜在的风险可不可以控制、预防、减少和解决的?如果可以控制,那么具体的解决方案是什么?如果不可控制,那么有哪些消极影响?会不会有反效果?会不会违反社会的主流价值观?

④ 实际效果:真正实施计划起来的效果会怎么样?如果建议不能实施,背后影响的原因是什么?如果可以实施但不能解决根本问题,或者效果有限,有没有方法修补缺点?


雅思寫作 Task 2 得分技巧
